
transacoustic research may 2003

shortinfo:what do coffee machines, neon tubes and gameboys have in common? they can all be found as the creators of sound on the cd hearings. everyday objects as instruments and unconventional approaches as a principle: this premiere cd from transacoustic research’s newly founded label offers, along with the reinterpretation of language samples into musical material, also the sound of the jew’s harp as the basis for electronic music, homemade laptops, and sounds from hard drives’ writing heads.

• the vegetable orchestra
• dieb13
• boris hauf
• paul divjak
• das fax mattinger& gerald rossbacher
• lo-res
• jörg piringer
• sergej mohntau
• iftaf
• gansterer * geissler
• helmut kahlert
• nikolaus gansterer
• matthias meinharter

edited by transacoustic research
mastering: j.piringer.
coverart:m. meinharter
buy this record at: mdos
upcoming events:

feb.18, wien/Austria:
marina poleukhina & alexander bab...
feb.19, wien/Austria:
der bloede dritte mittwoch #145
feb.20, wien/Austria:
Criss-Cross Sessions