
charhizma /jimmy draht mar. 2004

otomo yoshihide
martin ng

"platte" is a book, a record, a christmas present and much more.

distilled on round cardboard, pressed on vinyl a hybrid of book and record. no catalogue, no mass-production, an object and event at the same time, which shows it´s evolution , always referential to the record.
"platte" is a project of the labels jimmy draht and charhizma for the exploration of the record medium. the disc serves as a collector and player of sound documents. the record gets sung onto, played onto - sung about, played about. it is an artefact and object in literature, movies and music. at the same time it is transporting and creating modern myths. the almost magical attraction of this nearly extinct medium generates an ideal projector for artistical reflection.
also in fine arts there is a growing interest for the unique shape and cultural function of the pressed vinyl. because of this, "platte" combines artists of many diverse disciplines. whether they paint, draw, scribble, scratch, cut, copy and paste,; whether analog or digital, whether comic artist, graphic artist, illustrator, dj or musician; whether known or not yet known the creators of "platte" will bring image and sound to the foreground, will dicover connections and make clear that music is able to creates images and vice versa.
within this the record marks the common, ground of the project, becoming a cultural unifyer of all these activities.
"platte" wants to explore the different aspects of the record. this incorporates also to explore the use of the obstinate material, which with many will get a nostalgic melancholy or a strange gaze in their eyes, but which also marks a very intoxicating petrochemical byproduct, whose disposal stays yet unsolved.
"platte" wants to explore the different aspects of the record. this includes investigating the use of the obstinate material, which with many will get a nostalgic melancholy or a strange gaze in their eyes, but which also marks this very intoxicating petrochemical by-product, whose disposal stays yet unsolved
"platte" recycling against onedimensionalty!

"platte" consists of:
the image
10 artists of various disciplines have been asked, to work on one or more records. the results will be shown in an exhibition at the frankfurt bookfair this october then go to berlin, hamburg, vienna, geneva, munich and zürich.

the book
the same artists contribute one of their pieces of art to the book. "platte" has the shape of an record album, which holds cardboards in record-format, silkscreened from hand in three colors.

the sound
5 musicians were asked, to create contributions out of old records, that will appear on one side of the vinyl record of "platte". the other side will come with aspecially created silkscreen image..

bild: oliver grajewski, markus huber, cx huth, batia kolton, jan kruse, léo, gerda raidt, billy roisz, sabine timm, jim avignon

ton: dieb13, erik m., i-sound, martin ng, otomo yoshihide
upcoming events:

feb.18, wien/Austria:
marina poleukhina & alexander bab...
feb.19, wien/Austria:
der bloede dritte mittwoch #145
feb.20, wien/Austria:
Criss-Cross Sessions