Ryu Hankil, Noid, Matija Schellander and others:
foreign correspondents

mikroton jan. 2015

CD 1
Ryu Hankil, Noid, Matija Schellander
Tokyo Office
1. Ftarri | Tokyo | Oct. 14th 2013

CD 2
Ryu Hankil, Noid, Matija Schellander and others
Field Report
1. Tokyo subway closing door signature sound / 100¥ donation @ Sensō-ji shrine | Asakusa | Tokyo
2. Guggenheim House | Kobe | Oct. 11th 2013 | Ali Morimoto, Hankil Ryu, Klaus Filip, Matija Schellander, Nikos Veliotis, noid, Radu Malfatti
3. pachinko hall near Chidoribashi station | Osaka
4. Common Cafe | Osaka | Oct. 13th 2013 | Matija Schellander, noid
5. Port | Osaka | Oct. 12th 2013 | Hankil Ryu, Matija Schellander, noid
6. visitors platform on the 45th floor of the Tokyo Metropolitan Tower
7. Groove | Urasoe | Okinawa | Oct. 16th 2013 | Kazuhisa Uchihashi, Matija Schellander, noid
8. acoustic traffic light | Naha | Okinawa
9. Groove | Urasoe | Okinawa | Oct. 16th 2013 | noid, Syo Yoshihama
10. bird at a peacecamp in front of the american army military zone near Takae village | Okinawa
11. Morso | Naha | Oct. 19th 2013 | noid, Matija Schellander, Takeshi Ishihara
12. Dotolimpic festival @ Mullae Art Center | Seoul | Oct. 26th 2013 | Into The City | participants of the workshop our inner public space by Noid & Matija Schellander at Mullae Art Center playing air horns while walking away from Mullae Art Center
13. Dotolimpic festival @ Mullae Art Center | Seoul | Oct. 27th 2013 | Luciano Maggiore, Matija Schellander, Sangtae Jin
14. Dotolimpic festival @ Mullae Art Center | Seoul | Oct. 27th 2013 | victorian synthesizer orchestra | participants of the Workshop our inner public space by Matija Schellander & noid @ Mullae Art Center
15. wheeled suitcases on a paved street | Seoul / walking from Mullae Art Center to Yeongdeungpo metro station | Seoul
16. CIA | Hong Kong | Oct. 29th 2013 | without me everything would be even worse | Matija Schellander
17. CIA | Hong Kong | Oct. 29th 2013 | annoy the void | noid
18. machine drones in the staircase of the CIA Building | Hong Kong
19. CIA | Hong Kong | Oct. 29th 2013 | tiny tones | Matija Schellander, noid
20. fuel tank filled with Sound Art | Shanghai
21. Rockbund Art Museum | Shanghai | Nov. 2nd 2013 | freedom is the recognition of necessity | blank | silent dance | compacting by impact, all accompanied by huddle | noid, mp3-players of the audience playing random music through headphones
22. jing-hu players @ Ditan Park | Beijing
23. Zaija | Peking | Nov. 3rd 2013 | Lionel Marchetti, Matija Schellander, Quing Li, Weisi Li

Recorded by Noid
Mixed by Matija Schellander & Noid
Images by Arnold Haberl
Designer and executive producer: Kurt Liedwart

In 2013, Noid and Matija Schellander travelled from Vienna to East Asia to meet up with Ryu Hankil and other musicians from Japan, Hong Kong, China, South Korea and Europe. Carrying compositions, sound art pieces and workshop preparations in their luggage to be tested by changing social and artistic settings, by everyday tour life and to be used as starting points for debates in various forms.

The first CD - “Tokyo Office” - is a trio of Noid, Schellander and their main collaborator on this tour: Ryu Hankil from Seoul. It was recorded in the Ftarri shop in Tokyo, an intimate setting, a perfect concert situation for close, concentrated listening. The result is a 44 minute set of unmusical musicality with sounds of typewriter, drums, double bass, cello, jing-hu and victorian synthesizer.

The second CD - "Field Report" - is the travelogue of one month of concerts, field recordings, workshops, dinners, getting lost, missing planes, stretched and contracted gut strings in the temperature and humidity extremes from Okinawa to Beijing, collaborating with locals and other traveling musicians, exposing sometimes strict concepts to confusing listening situations from Seoul rooftops to Osaka market stands to Hong Kong industrial buildings.
Snippets and cuts composed in chronological order to an immersive flow of changing spaces and societies, on the turning point between being in and out.
buy this record at: matija@klingt.org
upcoming events:

feb.18, wien/Austria:
marina poleukhina & alexander bab...
feb.19, wien/Austria:
der bloede dritte mittwoch #145
feb.22, wien/Austria:
seicht + ouls