
nov. 2011

1. feel 03:31
2. dream 05:02
3. fly 05:02
4. think 02:42
5. smile [featuring mimu] 04:13
6. love 02:46
7. wait 00:51
8. gloom 03:12
9. ennui 00:48
10. grump 05:23
11. feed 04:30
12. strive 02:28
13. rise 04:40
14. sleep 05:03

music, lyrics, instruments etcetera by hons except:
dream .. music by hons and the hamster conspiracy
smile .. music by hons, vocals by mimu, lyrics by e.e.cummings
mixed and mastered by oliver "ollmann" brunbauer at feedback studio 2 vienna.
upcoming events:

feb.19, wien/Austria:
der bloede dritte mittwoch #145
feb.20, wien/Austria:
Criss-Cross Sessions
feb.20, wien/Austria:
on the couch#104 - Rina Kacinari/...