(fake) the facts

editions mego nov. 2011

1.1. Fact (15:23)
1.2. Rat (7:32)
2.1. Zoom (21:31)

dieb13: Turntables, Cigar Box
Mats Gustafsson: Soprano, Slide and Tenor Sax, Live Electronics
Martin Siewert: Guitars, Ring Stinger, Electronics

Recorded at Garnisongasse 7 / Vienna, March 2011 and Rhiz / Vienna, April 2011
Mixed by Dieter Kovacic and Martin Siewert
Mastered by Martin Siewert
Cut at Dubplates & Mastering, Berlin, September 2011
Cover art by Dieter Kovacic and Billy Roisz
buy this record at: editionsmego.com
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Herbst, Kääriäinen, Masen, Pre...
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monday improvisers session