KABELBRAND - sounds from the max brand synthesizer

MOOZAK oct. 2009

01. HAUSCH/GUSCHLBAUER - Heart Cooks Brain
02. HAUSCH - Froth
03. KÜHN - Tomograph
04. KRIST - Sein Soll Max
05. Hausch-Krist - NEON FACE
06. Guschlbauer/Kühn - INSEKT
07. Guschlbauer - Sedating Dream
08. Kühn - Sternmotor
09. Hausch-Guschlbauer - Skaphander
10. Guschlbauer - Eruption
11. Hausch-Krist - Cell Pilot
12. Hausch - Exile
13. Brand - Triptych
14. Brand - Ilian 4

The atypical and extraordinary Max Brand Synthesizer, also referred to as Moogtonium (which is basically a reconstructed and enhanced Trautonium) was one of the first instruments built by Bob Moog, and was begun in a time when Moog's worldwide success was yet to come.
This cd aims to capture the machine's original sonorous SPIRIT - every single track on this CD was produced without the aid of any modern sound-altering production tools, and in the arrangement process only techniques that were available in the 60ies were used. Thus the sounds you are hearing on this album represent the true sound of this powerful synthesizer.

Additionally the CD features 2 late and previously unreleased pieces by Max Brand himself. Both pieces were produced entirely on the current Moog synthesizer setup. Triptych was composed by Brand at the remarkable age of 74 in 1970, while Ilian 4, a ballet composed in 1974 and inspired by Robert Grave‘s book The Greek Myths is the last preserved piece Brand completed in his life. We are very proud to release these impressive tracks worldwide for the very first time.
buy this record at: MOOZAK
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