goh lee kwang:

Herbal International aug. 2009

01 Godot is Coming I
02 Hands III
03 Hands
04 Tape I
05 Tape II
06 Tape III
07 Hands II
08 Godot is Coming II
09 Tap Type

All by Goh Lee Kwang. Composed, Performed, Recorded between 2005 - 2008, Malaysia.

Paiting by Melissa Lin
The Real Divide
Louieee Speeding Into The Night
In The Mind Glows A Spark
buy this record at: Herbal Outlet
upcoming events:

feb.19, wien/Austria:
der bloede dritte mittwoch #145
feb.20, wien/Austria:
Criss-Cross Sessions
feb.20, wien/Austria:
on the couch#104 - Rina Kacinari/...