Martin Siewert:
no need to be lonesome

Mosz june 2004

1: just when we thought it was safe 10:51
2: attraktor 6:36
3: no need to be lonesome 18:44
4: valentine 7:44
5: any other way to go? 13:45

Mosz is proud to present Martin Siewert«s first solo record, which is not only his first solo recording, but also what we would call another side of Martin Siewert: In contrast to his work to date, "No Need To Be Lonesome" focusses on melodies and, most importantly, grooves, and can be considered popmusic to a certain degree. Basically generated in the studio with an obscure selection of analogue synthesizers, electronical equipment and guitars, this album is more about the beauty of songlike structures than about abstraction itself. This might be confusing for the ones who know Siewert«s discography, but simply shows an artist, who is active in different domains of contemporary music
guitars, bass, organ, synthesizers, electronics & programming by Martin Siewert
drums on # 3 by Martin Brandlmayr
drums on #4 by Tony Buck
bass on #4 by Werner Dafeldecker
super-modulated bass on #4 by Patrick Pulsinger

recorded, mixed and mastered by Siewert at Motone Sound Services, Vienna
additional recordings at Amann Studios, Vienna by Christoph Amann,
at Feedback Studios, Vienna by Reinhard Buchta,
and at Hugosound, Vienna by Martin Brandlmayr.
buy this record at: Mdos
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