sat. may 25 2024
hinterland galerie

aNOther festival 24 - Eberhard/Gross/Kimmig
start: 18:45-19:15
Alexander J. Eberhard, viola, electronics
Igor Gross - percussion
Aaron Kimmig - performer, concept art Hinterland brennt - lecture performance
Day 2 - from 16h
Ghenadie Rotari: Matthew Shlomowitz:
Freedom for Notes and Men
Mahdieh Bayat, live-painting, Soroosh Ghahramanloo, setar, vocals, Johannes Kretz, electronics
Zwei Geschichten, ein Bild
Sophie Katharina Schollum, flute, electr.:
Graygreenblue Vol. 1992
- gesammelte Zwischen(t)räume
Márton Szíves, percussion
In the Air - works by Shin'ichirō Ikebe and Samu Gryllus
Michaela Schausberger
»hEAR here« - Moment musical für zwei Ohrmuscheln und sechs Bogengänge
Alexander J. Eberhard, viola, electronics
Igor Gross - percussion
Aaron Kimmig - performer, concept art Hinterland brennt - lecture performance
Cheng-Yao Chiu (Chilljackman)
Solo Performance for Guitar:
Works by Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Debussy and Sakamoto
Lichun Tseng, Lam Lai:
Presence undefined (Video Installation)

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