dieb13 & burkhard stangl:
jardin des bruits

mikroton dec. 2019

1. Helmholtzresonator
2. Coulée Verte
3. eh²
4. Symphonie Nr 94 G-Dur
5. Frau am Mond
6. Noisy Track
7. Sortie de Secours d'IRCAM
8. Die lange Ruhige
9. Miniature Essuyer
10. Kabuki
11. 11 Sekunden
12. Godzilla
13. Symphonie für einen Staubsauger
14. Jardin des Plantes
15. La Paloma
16. Gezirpe A
17. Wenn die Adria Träumt / Coulée Verte 2
18. Gezirpe B
19. Gongerzähler
20. eh² live

CATALOG: mikroton cd 91
RELEASE: December 2019

Burkhard Stangl guitar, electronics
Dieb13 acoustic and electronic gramophones and electronics

Recorded at Instants Chavires and the streets and metro trains of Paris and Montreuil in May 2019.
Mixing: Dieter Kovacic, Burkhard Stangl at spermuecc studios / Vienna
Mastering: Martin Siewert
Executive producer: Kurt Liedwart
Graphic design: Kurt Liedwart
Photos: Sergey Kolosov / kolosov.photo
Photo of the group: Billy Roisz
The front cover is an artwork “Motherboard and plants” by Julien Ottavi

Thanks to: Instants Chavires (JF, Florence, Thierry, Tetyana, Benjamin) and all the noise sources for this record.
buy this record at: bandcamp
upcoming events:

mar.14, st. johann/Austria:
mar.15, st. johann/Austria:
mar.16, st. johann/Austria: