
transacoustic resarch aug. 2004

13 states:

01 ff_eiss
02 slog
03 frese
04 kolm
05 noia
06 ho to e
07 spron
08 schuppich
09 od
10 lect
11 fliegenhorst
12 moloch
13 wend

-Nikolaus Gansterer: tinfoil, styrofoam, soundplate, wirepulling, artwork
-Matthias Meinharter: bass, modified walkmen, mdsample, kaosspad
-Jörg Piringer: laptop, abc bunny, casio307, translinguistik
-Ernst Reitermaier: prepared sax, d16, voice, objects
buy this record at: transacoustic research
upcoming events:

feb.13, wien/Austria:
Donnerstag Nacht | Konzert: Walla...
feb.13, wien/Austria:
on the couch#103 - schtum. Manu M...
feb.14, vienna/Austria:
susanna gartmayer solo