das fax mattinge®: live @ konfrontationen 04 (0:14:49)
wolfgang fuchs: turntables alex wallner: guitar, electronics gerald rossbacher: harddiscs billy roisz: feedbackcam, videomixers klaus filip: computer oliver stotz: guitar, electronics dieb13: turntables |
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uploaded on 08.04.2004 by dieb13
2167 requests total 8.82 requests per month 636 different client(s) 2.59 different clients per month |
top 5 of 830 related tracks: efzeg: pay 2 notthesamecolor: live at 5jahre.klingt.org efzeg: pay 1 efzeg: did you mean eze? roisz,unami,nakamura,dieb13: live at canolfan listen to all related tracks |
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