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audio tracks (click the titles for a detailed description.)
klaus filip: andante for the flying spot scanner
Musical presentation of the replica of Max Brand's Flying Spot Scanner, an optical syntheziser. Live at Langenzersdorf Museum the 25th of September 2019.
uploaded on 10.02.2019 by klaus filip
length: 0:14:05
131 requests total
2.00 requests per month
1.08 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
klaus filip: sonic_dust@shut_up_and_listen'18
link: filipino
uploaded on 01.05.2019 by klaus filip
length: 0:13:47
275 requests total
3.69 requests per month
1.78 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
klaus filip: sonic_dust@soundart_nickelsdorf
3 hours of the installation sonic_dust at the soundart exhibition 2018 at the nickelsdorf konfrontationen festival.
the installation uses the dust broomed from the salzer-stadl's floor falling through laser beams in order to make it audible.
uploaded on 07.31.2018 by klaus filip
length: 3:22:51
342 requests total
4.29 requests per month
1.59 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
denoise, agnes hvizdalek, klaus filip: mayday
agnes hvizdalek: voice
klaus filip: sinewaves
recorded may 2016
uploaded on 12.09.2017 by klaus filip
length: 0:28:13
324 requests total
3.70 requests per month
1.66 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
agnes hvizdalek, klaus filip: denoise live at kaleidophon 2017
agnes hvizdalek: voice
klaus filip: sindewaves
live at ulrichsberger kaleidophon
april 29th, 2017
uploaded on 12.09.2017 by klaus filip
length: 0:41:10
275 requests total
3.14 requests per month
1.30 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
radu malfatti, klaus filip, johnny chang, derek shirl...: holy shit
live at nada lokal wien 2014
uploaded on 12.11.2014 by klaus filip
length: 0:47:13
537 requests total
4.33 requests per month
1.73 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
klaus filip | noid: ease live @ tseni zvuka / st-...
klaus filip: ppooll - sine waves
noid: ppooll - filtered noise-recordings
uploaded on 09.27.2014 by arnold haberl
length: 0:11:23
232 requests total
1.83 requests per month
1.06 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
philip leitner & klaus filip: kreissäge & elektrosmog 11.1...
live recording in echoraum
11.11.2011 strommusik
philip leitner: radio & electro smog receivers
klaus filip: circular saw
recorded by johann franz
uploaded on 04.26.2013 by klaus filip
length: 0:25:12
231 requests total
1.61 requests per month
0.93 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
yanjun_kathrinstumreich_klausf...: yanjun_kathrinstumreich_klaus...
live at 2kolegas/beijing 8.sept.2011
uploaded on 01.10.2013 by klaus filip
length: 0:12:20
246 requests total
1.67 requests per month
1.00 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
klaus filip: filip_solo_moozak#41
3rd solo on that evening, after yanjun and noid.
uploaded on 11.25.2010 by klaus filip
length: 0:13:13
662 requests total
3.82 requests per month
1.75 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
klaus filip / noid: photophon
a recording from the sound installation photophon when it was setup at the soundart exhibition from konfrontationen'10
uploaded on 09.09.2010 by arnold haberl
length: 0:08:55
475 requests total
2.70 requests per month
1.46 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
klaus filip / noid: ease live @ luggage store 20090421
uploaded on 09.08.2010 by arnold haberl
length: 0:21:00
298 requests total
1.69 requests per month
0.85 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
radu malfatti, klaus filip: malfatti-filip at mulhouse 2010
uploaded on 09.08.2010 by klaus filip
length: 0:46:59
691 requests total
3.93 requests per month
1.53 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
antonino secchia, peter kutin, ...: live@palermo_27/09/2010_partii
antonino secchia (percussions)
peter kutin (guitar)
sanfilippo dario (laptop, feedback)
marco pianges (laptop)
gandolfo pagano (guitar)
uploaded on 11.22.2009 by peter kutin
length: 0:09:23
378 requests total
2.04 requests per month
0.91 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
taku unami - radu malfatti - klaus filip: taraka
recorded sunday nov 30th 2008 at c17 vienna
uploaded on 12.04.2008 by klaus filip
length: 0:48:21
1317 requests total
6.67 requests per month
3.09 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
final transmission orchestra: live - track 3
live 22/01/08 in stadtwerkstatt linz, im rahmen der 100sten radio sendung "final transmission" auf radio fro

the orchestra
stephan blumenschein (delilah, gigis gogos) ... guitar
markus decker (aerom) ... electronics, effects
anselm duerrschmid (valina, rounerseind) ... drums
wolfgang fuchs (aerom, das fax mattinger) ... turntablism
gigi gratt (tumido, nirwakia, braaz, gigis gogos) ... bass, trumpet
klausi schmid ... sound
christian zollner (men killing men, regolith) ... synth
richard herbst (regolith, ex-1bomb1target) ... effects, vox
uploaded on 04.20.2008 by richard herbst
length: 0:14:28
529 requests total
2.58 requests per month
0.99 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
final transmission orchestra: live - track 2
live 22/01/08 in stadtwerkstatt linz, im rahmen der 100sten radio sendung "final transmission" auf radio fro

the orchestra
stephan blumenschein (delilah, gigis gogos) ... guitar
markus decker (aerom) ... electronics, effects
anselm duerrschmid (valina, rounerseind) ... drums
wolfgang fuchs (aerom, das fax mattinger) ... turntablism
gigi gratt (tumido, nirwakia, braaz, gigis gogos) ... bass, trumpet
klausi schmid ... sound
christian zollner (men killing men, regolith) ... synth
richard herbst (regolith, ex-1bomb1target) ... effects, vox
uploaded on 04.20.2008 by richard herbst
length: 0:12:17
486 requests total
2.37 requests per month
0.97 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
grosze koalition: live @ 7 jahre, stadtwerkstatt linz
cordula boesze, flute
noid, cello
klaus filip, lloopp
tim blechmann, pd&pnpd
uploaded on 02.03.2007 by Tim Blechmann
length: 0:25:26
1078 requests total
4.91 requests per month
1.92 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
goh lee kwang: mawdkfatfakdo
mess around with the mp3 tracks of klaus filip from remaster
uploaded on 11.03.2006 by Goh Lee Kwang
length: 1:09:36
595 requests total
2.67 requests per month
1.05 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
ease: shower
noid - lloopp
klaus filip - lloopp
uploaded on 09.02.2006 by klaus filip
length: 0:27:14
934 requests total
4.15 requests per month
1.41 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
ease: herbage
noid - lloopp
klaus filip - lloopp
uploaded on 09.02.2006 by klaus filip
length: 0:13:14
885 requests total
3.94 requests per month
1.47 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
boesze, faessler, filip, loibner, noid, o.b...: laptop conduction#2
recorded @ amann studios 15.4.05
uploaded on 05.06.2006 by arnold haberl
length: 0:17:49
1155 requests total
5.05 requests per month
1.72 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
boesze, faessler, filip, loibner, noid, o.b...: laptop conduction#3
recorded @ amann studios 15.4.2005
uploaded on 05.06.2006 by arnold haberl
length: 0:08:58
1124 requests total
4.91 requests per month
1.50 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
filip, mattin, noid: unattached
live @ rhiz, 17.oct 2005
uploaded on 03.01.2006 by klaus filip
length: 0:06:39
1458 requests total
6.31 requests per month
2.12 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
filip, mattin, noid: mergence
live @ rhiz, 17. oct 2005
uploaded on 03.01.2006 by klaus filip
length: 0:27:06
1261 requests total
5.46 requests per month
1.93 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
filip, mattin, noid: mergence_unattached
live @ rhiz, 17.oct 2005
uploaded on 03.01.2006 by klaus filip
length: 0:15:06
1124 requests total
4.87 requests per month
1.54 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
ivan palacký, klaus filip : birthday knitting
art's birthday party 2006
Školská 28, prague
fri. jan. 13 2006
uploaded on 01.24.2006 by klaus filip
length: 0:12:33
1024 requests total
4.41 requests per month
1.31 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
noid / klaus filip: instant monodigmen
noid - cello
klaus - observer/conductor
uploaded on 08.15.2005 by arnold haberl
length: 0:32:23
1731 requests total
7.29 requests per month
2.56 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
filip: ekh-solisolo
link: ekh bleibt
uploaded on 02.18.2005 by klaus filip
length: 0:23:03
2449 requests total
10.06 requests per month
3.15 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
christian weber / jason kahn / tomas korber / kai fa...: wekakofafi
rehearsal @ wim/zuerich 17.nov 2004
uploaded on 11.30.2004 by klaus filip
length: 0:25:52
3046 requests total
12.38 requests per month
3.57 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
klaus filip / taku unami: live@nickelsdorf
recorded 25sept 2004
uploaded on 10.22.2004 by klaus filip
length: 0:21:57
2148 requests total
8.68 requests per month
2.65 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
klaus filip / taku unami: at dornerplatz
uploaded on 10.20.2004 by taku unami
length: 0:14:05
1504 requests total
6.08 requests per month
2.14 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
das fax mattinge®: live @ konfrontationen 04
wolfgang fuchs: turntables
alex wallner: guitar, electronics
gerald rossbacher: harddiscs
billy roisz: feedbackcam, videomixers
klaus filip: computer
oliver stotz: guitar, electronics
dieb13: turntables
uploaded on 08.04.2004 by dieb13
length: 0:27:33
2430 requests total
9.72 requests per month
3.15 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
das fax mattinge®: live @ konfrontationen 04
wolfgang fuchs: turntables
alex wallner: guitar, electronics
gerald rossbacher: harddiscs
billy roisz: feedbackcam, videomixers
klaus filip: computer
oliver stotz: guitar, electronics
dieb13: turntables
uploaded on 08.04.2004 by dieb13
length: 0:14:49
2170 requests total
8.68 requests per month
2.55 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
los glissandinos: 1_casual
kai fagaschinski/klaus filip
recorded 03/2003 dornerplatz/kleylehof
uploaded on 06.30.2004 by klaus filip
length: 0:18:50
1329 requests total
5.29 requests per month
1.78 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
los glissandinos: 4_mutual
kai fagaschinski/klaus filip
recorded 03/2003 dornerplatz/kleylehof
uploaded on 06.24.2004 by klaus filip
length: 0:06:27
925 requests total
3.68 requests per month
1.12 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
los glissandinos: 2_virtual
kai fagaschinski/klaus filip
recorded 04/2004 dornerplatz/kleylehof
uploaded on 06.23.2004 by klaus filip
length: 0:06:42
3291 requests total
13.09 requests per month
1.94 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
los glissandinos: 3_ritual.mp3
kai fagaschinski/klaus filip
recorded 03/2004 dornerplatz/kleylehof
uploaded on 06.23.2004 by klaus filip
length: 0:03:34
1010 requests total
4.02 requests per month
1.34 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
mattin/filip: dornerplatz
uploaded on 09.01.2003 by klaus filip
length: 0:59:00
1047 requests total
4.01 requests per month
1.14 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
hund, klaus filip, dieb13, billy roisz: q#_4 set 1
live @ kapu linz 07.10.01
link: q#_4
uploaded on 11.24.2001 by dieb13
length: 0:46:32
1149 requests total
4.06 requests per month
1.08 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
hund, klaus filip, dieb13, billy roisz: q#_4 set 2
live @ kapu linz 07.10.01
link: q#_4
uploaded on 11.24.2001 by dieb13
length: 0:28:33
1425 requests total
5.04 requests per month
1.60 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
®:oliver stotz, klaus filip, billy roi...: ® in ulrichsberg
live @ jazzatelier ulrichsberg jun. 16 2001
uploaded on 08.31.2001 by oliver stotz
length: 0:25:45
1099 requests total
3.85 requests per month
1.04 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
kurzmann/stotz/filip: on suicide now
track from the "electronic resistanz"-sampler. a solidarity cd against the racist, sexist, anti-social rightwing government in austria.
uploaded on 09.24.2000 by charhizma
length: 0:06:09
899 requests total
3.03 requests per month
0.81 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
total length of displayed songs:19:15:45
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