thu. feb. 29 2024
ny musikk

Teeth amongst the trees
Luis Fernando Amaya presents: Tenner blant trærne (Teeth amongst the trees)
Andrés Guadarrama: La quemadura es el lenguaje con el que juro, manos abiertos sobre el hielo (Translation: Burning is the language with which I swear, open hands over the ice) (2018)
Jonas Evenstad (percussion), Sebastian Lindland (percussion)
Meritxell Colell Aparicio/Angelica Castello: Video: Sentimiento Oceánico (Translation: Oceanic Feeling) (komposisjon: 2013. video: 2021)
Luis Fernando Amaya: guerrilla de dientes entre los árboles (Translation: guerrilla of teeth amongst the trees) (2022)
Jonas Evenstad (percussion), Sebastian Lindland (percussion)
Composer: Patricia Martínez, Video: Luis París: Video: Vida (Translation: Life) (2020/2021)
Tania Rubio: Grito Silente del Mar (Translation: Silent Scream of the Sea) (2023)
Linn Marie Hamar (flute)
Ferdinand Schwarz: Installation: What do you hear when there is nothing to listen to? (2023)

Emerging artist Luis Fernando Amaya curates works that challenge euro-centric anthropocentrism in new music, insisting on the agency of the more-than-human.

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