opening of the auditorium of rotting sounds

fri 29.03.2019 universität für musik und darstellende kunst wien, elak / institut für komposition und elektroakustik, gottwaldsaal  

reinhold friedl: die suche nach dem original: vom verfall elektroakustischer musik – lecture
klaus filip: dust a bit – opto-acoustic installation
till bovermann: buffer manipulations – live coding performance
mario de vega: suspension – for quadraphonic system, tape, objects and self-made electronics

at the bankettsaal of the university of music and performing arts vienna
anton-von-webern-platz 1, 1030 wien, austria

the auditorium is open after 7pm with the following works on display:
angélica castelló: magnetic room – objects and sound installation
klaus filip: dust a bit – opto-acoustic installation
juliana herrero and thomas grill: antenna – sounding object
martin howse: enrichment and depletion – installation
nicole krenn and thomas grill: fields of haze – audiovisual installation
mario de vega: intermission – sounding object
till bovermann and almut schilling: cd-r(ot) – sound installation
… and other works and experimental setups of the project team thomas grill, till bovermann and almut schilling, together with tobias leibetseder.

live events in the auditorium during the opening:
angélica castelló: magnetic litany – performance
charlotta ruth: intervention
dario sanfilippo: phase transitions – multi-channel electroacoustic performance

workshop with martin howse on circulation/corruption:
28.3., 09:30 to 17:30 and 29.3., 09:30 to 13:00
at the senatssitzungsraum (aw l0123) and the whole campus.

the rotting sounds project is a cooperation between the university of music and performing arts vienna, the university of applied arts vienna and the academy of fine arts vienna, funded by the austrian science fund (fwf).

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